Wow…first post this year, busy-busy, so thought I’d play catch-up. Here are some of the albums that made it into heavy rotation the last six months. Hopefully a surprise or two there for you.
Phosgene Nightmare from The Black Angels - The Boat Song
Alexander from Alexander Ebert - Remember Our Heart
Wit's End from Cass McCombs - The Lonely Doll
Cornershop & The Double-O Groove Of from Cornershop - Topknot
Hot Sauce Committee Part Two from Beastie Boys - Multilateral Nuclear Disarmament
Burst Apart from The Antlers - Every Night My Teeth Are Falling Out
Arabia Mountain from Black Lips - Raw Meat
Build A Rocket Boys! From Elbow - With Love
Fading Parade from Papercuts - I'll See You Later I Guess
Let England Shake from PJ Harvey - The Words That Maketh Murder